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Trying an Ayrurvedic Digestive Reset for the First Time?

Writer: Eva BruneEva Brune

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian health science and is the sister science to Yoga. Its aim is to help individuals understand their true nature and to maximize their health and well-being through thoughtful nutrition, routine and rituals.

Ayurveda recognizes that each person is unique and, as such, has unique health needs. At the same time, Ayurveda reminds us that we ARE nature and we are subject to the same cycles and rhythms as the natural world around us. As the seasons change, so do we.

We are now in winter here in Montreal and we might find ourselves feeling different: How do we adjust to the cold? How do we feel when it is windy? Do we love the snow? The rain? Or are we sun worshipers? Knowing how we feel with respect to what nature is offering on a particular day is important information.

Take a moment to reflect on how you are feeling right now. Cold, or warm? Bright? Or dull? Stagnant? Or moving? Heavy? Or light? Dry? Or unctuous? Depending on your answers, there is an approach to nutrition and routine that can help you feel delightfully 'Just Right'.

An Ayurvedic Digestive Reset is when we set aside a week to really feel what we are feeling. It is a time to appreciate what part the season is playing in our physical, mental and emotional health and then clearing a path so that the wisdom of what we are feeling can lead to right, supportive action. A Digestive Reset can take us from feeling dull and stagnant to feeling vibrant and clear of mind and purpose. It can help illuminate habits that are working against us and gently invite in a new way of seeing, and living, our wellness.

During a reset we eat VERY well! The food choices are seasonal, readily available, sumptuous and well spiced to encourage optimal digestion. We will cook our meals with intention and attention! We sip supportive teas and we prioritize rest. We try new routines (think going to bed at a reasonable hour and waking with the sun) and we try supportive rituals. Some of these new experiences might stick, and others will just be a seasonal treat we will choose to do from time to time as we feel a need.

For the Espace BE Digestive Reset with Eva Brune, participants receive a seasonal recipe booklet, an opening and closing call, a bonus event (Reset Yoga or other!) and the support (and humor!) of a private online community. Additionally, new participants are invited to attend the free Intro to Ayurveda presentation prior to the Reset week.

Digestive reset participants report profound and positive shifts in their digestion, sleep quality and concentration. More importantly, a reset reminds us that choosing to nourish ourselves is an act of profound love. What could be better than that.

Join the Winter 2022 Digestive Reset HERE!



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